Twitter Space with Sobol

Twitter Space with Sobol

We were invited to Sobol's Twitter Space. Here are the highlights of our conversation. 😄

We love collaborating with other projects, and often feature in their podcasts, interviews, publications, etc. This is how we keep track of it all!

Sobol simplifies DAO operations. A summary of our conversation with Rowan on a Twitter Space follows. You may listen to the whole episode here.


  • Aviral starts off by talking about following Beeple for a decade, and then telling everyone about his ex-colleague who owned ~100 CryptoKitties.

  • He goes on to talk about his experience contributing to DAOs, and how he had to practically start over anytime he joined a new one.

  • "Joining a new DAO always involves doing a lot initially to prove yourself. This is required to keep the unserious/bad actors out. But there should be a better way!" This led to rep3.

  • The decision to stick to non-transferrable NFTs instead of DIDs and VCs wasn't easy. The latter technology has been around for over a decade but hasn't caught on yet.

  • The nature of communities – especially those onchain – requires reputation that is interoperable and consumable by other onchain protocols. Non-transferrable NFTs are the easiest way to do this. They are also perfect for token-gating, rewarding members permissionlessly, etc.

  • DIDs and VCs may be a better solution for identity purposes; however, in the context of crypto communities, and when talking specifically about work done by members, the things that make DIDs and VCs attractive don't have the same pull.

  • "The work you do in a community should be open and transparent. These aren't medical records, passports, or social security numbers!"

  • "Also, you should use the best tech for your problem and not try to fit your favorite tech everywhere. Be a use-case maxi, not a tech maxi!"

  • Iden3, Ceramic, POAP, and Disco are all great projects in the identity and reputation space that are worth checking out. They are doing some great work!

  • Onchain credentials add a structure to your community, let you automate repetitive workflows, and make participation more about doing work rather than holding tokens.

  • Communities can use rep3 for a lot of things. They can use it to bring all their members onchain (if they haven't done so already). The Discord integration automates this to a large extent and makes the transition really smooth.

  • Communities can then configure contribution badges and distribute them to members for the work they do. They can also confer more governance powerbased on the number and types of contribution badges a member holds.

  • Conversely, this governance power can be reduced as well if the member is inactive for a long period of time or if they contribute to the community in non-productive ways.

  • rep3 badges are already interoperable with most popular web3 tools, and the team is constantly shipping integrations with web2 tools as well.